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Have you been scammed by CryptoGM or Gtlot?

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Cybertrace Team

November 10, 2020 · 2 min read

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We would like to warn against investing with the following websites (some of which may by now be inactive or re-route to others), as we believe these cryptocurrency trading platforms are fraudulent:


We are also aware of a number of other websites which are likely linked to the above-mentioned websites. We believe the same fraudsters are operating multiple cryptocurrency trading platform scams. Cybertrace has been made aware that Australians have fallen victim to these websites and have lost a significant amount of funds.

The operations of the CryptoGM and Gtlot websites are sophisticated, and they appear completely legitimate. However, there are many common red flags surrounding the websites: for example, there is no mention of any employee or owner of the company. It remains faceless and, if you cannot figure out who owns the company or the names of anyone employed there, it’s time to have a rethink about dealing with these websites.

The following companies are stated as operating the websites:

Major Technologies LTD
Major Trading Capital Limited
Major BizDev Limited
Major Technologies Limited

The following contact details are known to be used by the scammers:

[email protected]
+353 768887776

[email protected]
[email protected]
+318 50643590

If you have fallen victim to the CryptoGM or Gtlot scams, please contact us today to discuss how we can help.

If you hold any information relating to these scams and you wish to expose the operations, please reach out to us for a confidential and anonymous discussion. You can reach us at [email protected]

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  • Shaun 3 years ago

    I have been scammed by GTLOT.
    Please help as I have no means of living/earning due to the mental pain they have caused “literally groomed” myself.
    I would like a case of no win-no fee as funds are very tight now.
    Please reach out – as the suffering of loss has and will cause detrimental effects to me and my family.

  • Megan 3 years ago

    I’ve been scammed by icrypto/cryptogm over a year ago im assuming its too late for my bank to get the money back?

  • ROBIN SHERIDAN 3 years ago

    Keep well clear of GTLOT. They eventually stole around $150,000AU by different devious means. Would not return any of it – very deceptive people – some showing great friendliness.

    • So sorry to hear about you having been scammed by GTLot, Robin. They are deceptive and sophisticated scammers. One of our experienced investigators will be in touch to discuss how we can help.

  • Can you please contact me with how I can delete my account please? I deposited money and does this mean they have my bank details??

  • I signed up for a GTLOT account (https://trade.gtlot.com). Only got as far as name and phone number, so i now have an account set up. No personal details were sent, nor any funds deposited, which was lucky as i decided to do some reserach on the internet and found that it is a scam. Unfortunatly they keep calling me many times a day. Is there anyway i can delete the account? No problem if I cant as i guess they will eventually stop calling me.

  • Afandi kadir 3 years ago

    I’m been scammed please help me guys to stop them

  • Lynda 3 years ago

    They have all my details, tried to cancel but they became aggressive what can I do

  • Terence Engelen 4 years ago

    I have invested 250 usd with galore I have tried numerous times to contact them but have got no response I have also tried to withdraw my deposit but to no avail could you help me get my deposit back thanks

  • jon jovanovic 4 years ago

    I have deposited $250 to start trading but nobody has contacted me. I will contact my bank to see if I can stop payment.

    • Hi Jon, yes definately contract your bank or if you made the payment via credit card, contact the card provider and request a chargeback asap.

  • Kellie 4 years ago

    Got the lot (gtlot), very expensive experience ($16000), spoke with Ian and recovery person Mark. Give false hope with small profits, very persistent on wanting more money. Lose it all at once with their expertise trades, offer incentives by giving you money but its theirs and you can’t withdraw without their authorisation. Hope I can save someone else from these scammers.

    • Hi Kellie, Thank you for your comment and we are sorry to hear that you have fallen victim to a scam. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]. Thanks.

  • Peter Warren 4 years ago

    I’ve been scammed. What can I do?

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