Cybertrace Private Investigation Master License

Cybertrace PTY LTD Accreditation, Master Security License

Cybertrace Australia operates internationally under a NSW Police Issued Private Investigation Master License issued by the State of New South Wales (NSW) Australia. Please feel free to verify our Investigations License number on the NSW Government website, and have a look at our industry accreditations and certifications.

Cybertrace PTY LTD

License Number: 411710138
License Expiry: January 2027

Partnered with and as seen on: 

Logos for ABC, 10, The Guardian, 9 News, 7 News, BBC News, The Australian,, Triple J Hack and The Wire.


Professional Associations

World Association of Detectives Inc. (W.A.D)

Californian Association of Licensed Investigators

Institute of Mercantile Agents Limited (IMA)

Professional Cryptocurrency Certifications

Chainalysis cryptocurreny fundamentals certification for CEO Dan Halpin
Chainalysis Reactor Certificate

Industry Accreditations and Insurance

Cybertrace Accreditations and Insurance

Cybertrace is 100% accredited and insured. We take pride in always ensuring our information is always up to date, and open to the public. If you have any questions relating to our accreditations and insurance, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

Certificate of Currency - Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Combined
Certificate of Currency - Cyber Liability
Cybertrace Master License