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Social Media Protection Services

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Cybertrace Team

May 31, 2024 · 7 min read

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Group using services to protect their account on social media.

Social media protection is the active defence of people, businesses, and brands from the many dangers that exist on online platforms. This includes using strong passwords and two-factor verification to secure accounts, as well as teaching users how to identify fake messages that try to steal information.

What is Social Media Protection?

Social media protection refers to the measures and practices employed to safeguard individuals and organisations from various threats and vulnerabilities associated with social-media platforms.

Here are the key areas in social media protection:

Account Security

Account security involves securing social media accounts against unauthorised access. Therefore, best practices include using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly updating login credentials

Privacy Management

Privacy management is about managing settings to control who can see and interact with your content. Users should limit the amount of personal information shared publicly and be cautious about third-party apps and services that request social-media accounts.

Threat Monitoring

Threat monitoring involves continuously monitoring for potential threats: phishing attempts, impersonation, and malicious links. Tools and services offer comprehensive threat monitoring across various social platforms to identify and mitigate risks in real-time.

Education and Awareness

Training and educating users about the types of social media threats and how to recognise and avoid them is important. Organisations should have a social-media policy that includes guidelines on secure practices and protocols and responding to security incidents. 

Incident Response

Having a clear plan for responding to security incidents is important. So, this includes knowing how to report and handle compromised accounts, dealing with misinformation, and addressing any breaches quickly to minimise damage.

Related Topic: Online Brand Protection

Does Cybertrace Provide Social Media Protection?

Cybertrace logo used to promote account and brand protection.

Yes, Cybertrace provides industry leading social media protection by combining strong security measures, continuous brand monitoring, specialised investigations, and user education. Whether you are an individual looking to protect your personal information or a business aiming to protect your brand, Cybertrace offers the expertise and resources to ensure your social presence remains secure and company branding is not copied by other social media accounts. It’s also worth noting that Cybertrace stands out as a leader in social media protection, offering top-notch services to protect against these threats.

How Small and Medium Businesses are Being Targeted on Social Media

Scammers have come up with clever ways to target small and medium businesses on social media, often causing significant damage to their reputation and operations. Additionally, we have been seeing a trend with One common tactic involving reporting a business’s content repeatedly to get it removed or to have the page banned. Once the original account is compromised, scammers create impersonation accounts to trick customers into believing they are interacting with the legitimate business.

Content Reporting and Page Banning

Scammers systematically report a business’s content, leading to its removal or a ban on the business page. This disrupts the business’s online presence, while confusing customers who can no longer find the official account.

Impersonation Accounts 

After (or even without) causing the original account to be banned, scammers create fake accounts that closely resemble the legitimate business. They might use similar usernames, profile pictures, and posts to deceive customers into engaging with these fraudulent accounts. Customers may be tricked into making payments and also sharing personal information with these imposters.

Phishing and Malware

Fake accounts often send messages to followers, prompting them to click on malicious links. These links can lead to phishing sites designed to steal personal information or install malware on the victim’s device.

Fake Customer Service

Scammers sometimes pose as customer service representatives from the targeted business. They respond to customer enquiries with the intention of stealing personal information or directing payments to fraudulent accounts.

Related Topic: Mother’s Day Online Shopping Scam

How Businesses Stay Safe and Secure Using Social Media

Business using technology as protection for their brand and social media account.

Businesses can stay safe and secure using social media by implementing strong security practices, developing and enforcing a policy, and monitoring and managing their activity.

Implement Strong Security Practices

Enable 2FA on all social media accounts to add an extra layer of security. This means even if someone gets hold of your password, they would still need a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, to access the account.

  • Secure Passwords

Use strong, unique passwords for each account. A strong password typically includes a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays or common words.

Develop and Enforce a Social Media Policy

  • Clear Guidelines

Create a detailed policy that outlines what is acceptable and what is not when using social media for business purposes. This should cover types of content, appropriate language, and the tone of communication.

  • Access Controls

Restrict access to accounts based on employee roles and responsibilities. Only allow trusted personnel to manage the accounts and ensure they have the necessary training.

Monitor and Manage Social Media Activity

  • Continuous Monitoring

Use social media management tools to continuously monitor your accounts for any unusual activity, unauthorised posts, or potential threats. Additionally, Cybertrace can monitor accounts for brands to identify impersonation accounts.

  • Content Approval System

Implement a content approval system where posts must be reviewed and approved by designated personnel before being published. This helps ensure that all content aligns with the company’s brand guidelines and prevents accidental or inappropriate posts from going live.

Related Topic: Business Cyberbullying and Business Defamation: Stopping Fake Reviews

Why is Social Media Safety Important?

Social media safety is important because it protects personal and organisational information from unauthorised access and misuse, prevents cyber threats like phishing and malware, and ensures compliance with data protection regulations. This, in turn, helps maintain professional and brand reputations, safeguards wellbeing, and prevents financial losses.

How to Keep Safe on Social Media

Computer screen with an important Social media safety guide indicating brand protection.

With so many scams in social media, sites like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn are prime targets for scammers so keeping safe is a must. here are 10 tips to keep safe on social media:

  1. Secure Your Accounts

Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication for added security on each platform.

  1. Be Mindful of What You Share

Avoid sharing sensitive personal information such as your address, phone number, or financial details publicly. Also, be cautious about posting location-specific information in real-time.

  1. Verify Requests and Links

Be wary of friend requests, messages, or links from unknown or suspicious accounts. Verify the identity of the sender before engaging or clicking on any links, especially those requesting personal information.

  1. Review Privacy Settings

Additionally, regularly review and adjust the privacy settings on your accounts to control who can see your posts, photos, and personal information.

  1. Think Twice Before You Post

Consider the potential impact of your posts before sharing them. Once something is posted online, it can be difficult to remove entirely.

  1. Be Sceptical of Offers and Promotions

Exercise caution when interacting with offers, promotions, or contests on social media. Verify the legitimacy of the source before providing any personal information or engaging further.

  1. Report Suspicious Activity

If you encounter any suspicious activity, accounts, or content, report it to the platform’s support team or relevant authorities.

  1. Stay Informed

Keep yourself informed about the latest social media scams, privacy breaches, and security threats. Also try to stay updated on security best practices to better protect yourself online.

  1. Educate Yourself and Others

Take the time to educate yourself and others, especially children and elderly family members, about safety practices, privacy settings, and the risks associated with online interactions.

  1. Use Trusted Platforms

Stick to established social media platforms, such as those with strong privacy and security measures in place.

Related Topic: Cyber Literacy: Scam Prevention Tools & Online Resources

Contact Us

In conclusion, Cybertrace offers expert services in cyber investigations and online threat assessments. Our team is skilled in protecting important brand assets such as social media accounts, with their social media monitoring services. These services are available to small, medium and large businesses, as well as government agencies and education providers. So, please reach out to us for professional support and guidance.

Whether you’ve been a victim of a social media scam or want to strengthen your protection, remember that you’re not alone. We’re here to help you navigate this challenging experience. 

Question For the Readers

Have you, or your business, ever encountered any suspicious activity or impersonation accounts on social platforms? If so, what happened?

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