To identify a fake Telegram account, look at the profile for signs like generic or stolen pictures, strange usernames, and little activity that shows it might be new. Check for mutual contacts and detailed bios, which real users usually have. Be careful with messages that have links or ask for personal information, and be wary of offers that seem too good to be true.
Additionally, talk to the person by asking specific questions only the real one would know, and compare the account with their other social media profiles. Use Telegram’s reporting features if you think the account is fake, and adjust your privacy settings for better security.
What are the Signs of a Fake Telegram Account?
In order to determine if a Telegram account is fake, consider analysing the profile. A basic analysis of the profile would be to check the following sections:
- Profile Picture and Username
- Fake accounts often use pictures stolen from the internet. You can check if a picture is fake by searching for it online.
- Look for usernames and names that don’t match. Real accounts usually have names and usernames that match.
- Activity and Content
- Be careful of accounts with almost no activity, like no posts or very few friends. They might be fake.
- Watch out for messages from strangers with weird links or asking for your personal info. They might be trying to trick you.
- Contact Details
- If someone gives you their contact info, check if it’s real. Fake accounts often make up contact info.
- Profile Details
- Real accounts usually have a lot of info about the person. Fake ones might not have much.
- Check for bad spelling and grammar in their profile. Real people usually write better than fake accounts.
- Verification and Official Accounts
- Some famous people or businesses have a blue checkmark next to their name. Look for that to see if the account is real.
- Check if the info on the account matches what you find on their official website or other social media.
Dangers of Fake Telegram Account Scams
They can result in substantial financial losses as scammers deceive individuals into parting with their money or personal information. This can lead to identity theft, where scammers impersonate others and exploit the stolen information for malicious purposes. Users’ privacy is also at risk, as scammers may misuse their personal details for activities like blackmail or harassment. Falling victim to these scams can damage one’s reputation and cause emotional distress.
How to Verify a Telegram account
A verified Telegram account enhances security, credibility, and trust, reducing unauthorised access and impersonation risks. It signals legitimacy, fostering reliability in interactions, and may unlock access to specific features, improving the messaging experience.
Here’s how to verify your Telegram account:
- Open Telegram and go to Settings.
- Tap “Privacy and Security.”
- Select “Phone Number” and tap “Verify.”
- Enter your phone number and the verification code.
- Follow any additional instructions to complete the verification process
How to Report Telegram Scams
Reporting Telegram scams is essential to help protect yourself and other users from falling victim to fraudulent activity.
Here’s how you can report scams on Telegram:
- Open the chat with the scammer.
- Tap on their profile picture to open their profile.
- Click on the three dots or the “More” option in the top right corner.
- Select “Report” from the menu that appears.
- Choose the appropriate reason for reporting the scammer, such as “Spam” or “Fraud.”
By reporting scams on Telegram, you contribute to making the platform safer for everyone. Additionally, consider blocking the scammer to prevent further communication and potential harm. Since Telegram is associated with users phone phone numbers, it’s wise to utilise Cybertrace’s Scam phone number lookup tool to check if the phone number is flagged for scamming.
Having someone investigate your case is also beneficial because the only real way to make them stop is to hold them accountable for their actions. Hire Cybertrace if you want someone to investigate your case, as we specialise in cyber investigations.
By looking at profiles, activity, and contact info, you can tell real from fake accounts. Tips for checking and reporting scams help keep you and others safe online. Remember to be careful, not share personal info, and report anything suspicious.
Contact Us
Have you faced defamation, harassment, or scams on Telegram? Reach out, let’s hold them accountable.
Question For The Audience
Have you ever had a suspicious encounter on Telegram that made you do a double take? If so, what is it?
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I have been chatting with this person who says he’s the real Johnny Depp. We agreed he would pay the booking fee for his private jet. I agreed to pay the maintenance for the plane. 3000.00 he chatts with me every day since dec2023 he said he loves me and when it’s paid come pick me up in Edmonton alta Canada. I don’t want him to know I love this person very much. U need to know for sure.
Hi Beverly,
Our team have reached out via email.
A touring pianist reached out to me a month after I attended his concert and posted our photo on facebook by tagging his instagram account. He reached out to me via facebook a month later asking about my interest in his music. After a brief conversation he asked me to move this conversation to Telegram. He’s under a verified telegram account and we’ve been talking for 2 months. He shared a suspicious message about meeting him by submitting a meet and greet request. In that request he mentioned that I’d be willing to pay for him to come visit me. There were other red flags in our conversations. There’s a high chance this is a scam. Please help investigate.
Hi Natalya,
Our team have reached out via email.
Seeeorang meminta saya tf uang dijamin akan profit tapi setelah 2 x percobaan penarikan ditunda
Hi Linda,
Our team have reached out via email.
I was sent a video of a BTS member. I had never spoken with them, I had made a statement on a reel of theirs and someone reached out. I got a live video of the person in question. He suggested telegram app. Now he wants to come and visit, have me three options, ranging from 1,000 to 3,300. To pay for the VIP visit. They wanted to do a security check, back ground but is was very superficial, which is clearly wrong as this group are considered national treasures. The telegram site looks legit, but I am not skilled to know for sure. It has a blue check mark.
Hi Mijanou,
Our team have reached out via email.
On telegram can you check hope 45100, I have suspicions this is a scammer and not the real JHope.
A lady contacted me on Instagram to speak w Adrien Brody the actor from the pianist. Lots of lovey dovey stuff from his part and then one day asked me for $500 worth of iTunes cards. I got five voice messages sounding like Adrien Brody but now I know it’s not him.
Hi Siobhan,
Our team have reached out via email.
Luke newton sent me here to telegram. His acct on Instagram is lukenewtonuk. It’s verified. This telegram isn’t yet. He said it’s a ghost account to throw off fans. Crazy. No money or anything. Just talks. I’m like a grandmother to him lol. But wish to see the truth
Hi Kim,
Our team have reached out via email.
Me too! Just normal conversation. Weird 🤔
Hi Lillen,
Our team have reached out via email.
I have been talking to Luke Mitchell and it got lovey dovey stuff. But I was asked to purchase a NDA to be closer
Hi Felecia,
Our team have reached out via email.
I have been travelled by scammer.You first started on Instagram and then he said coming moved Telegram.
Ask me for £500 of gift cards
Hi Caroline,
Our team have reached out via email.
I’ve been talking to Anthony Hopkins until I was asked to pay $600 dollars to be in his vip section of his fan club.
Hi Mary,
Our team have reached out via email.
I’m not sure of this username is the real actor of Luke_newton1 and he asking for money off me which I won’t do not at all, because I got scammed in the past do not want this happening again to me or anyone please do something about this account and other imposters off Luke Newton it’s misleading for everyone also for the real person too thank you
Hi Lauren,
Our team have reached out via email.